(e) texts originally in english.
  (nl) teksten oorspronkelijk in het nederlands.

  (e) english translation available.
  (nl) nederlandse vertaling beschikbaar.
  (fr) traduction Française disponible
  (de) Deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar

title date publication   theme kind language
Paglen meets Agre
Imaging systems and grammars of action
2020/11 Camera Arts

2design general 22

essay e

Man as 'aggregate of data'
What computers shouldn't do
with: Sjoukje van der Meulen

2018/07 AI & Society  design ethics essay e

The Swing of the Real
Jim Rick's Synchromaterialism

2018/01 Onomatopee 8art 09
essay e

Critical Meshing
The intertwingled discourses of design and art

2017/03 Sandberg Institute 2design general 21
  design education
essay e

Creative Civil Servants
A Century of Dutch Design Education

2017/02 unpublished 2design general 20
  design education
essay e
Designers do not determine what a thing does
Interview Peter Paul Verbeek
2015/09 NAI010 publishers 2social design 52 interview e
Reflections on Utopia and Now
Musings during a residency in Colombia
2012/11 Más Arte Más Acción 2social design 51 essay e
Research between practice and theory
Design as research methodology
with: Evert Ypma
2012/09 Graphic Design Festival Breda 2design general 19
  design education
commentary e

In Memoriam Ed Annink
Bright Mind, Beautiful Ideas

2012/09 Items 22 1graphic design 32 in memoriam nl/e

Nostalgia for a Future Past
On retro-utopianism

2012/03 De Gids 6visual culture 10 essay e/nl
Romancing the Next Nature
Natuur veroorzaakt door mensen
2011/11 Items 21 2design general 18 commentary nl

Richard Sennett:
Form Follows Feedback

2011/08 Items 20 2design general 17 interview e
Off the beaten track
R&D is mapping uncharted territory
2011/06 NAI publishers 2design general 16 essay e/nl

Watching, formerly Reading
Overview is the new depth

2011/05 Valiz / Graphic Design Museum Breda 6visual culture 10 column e/nl

All Color is Virtual
On color as meaningful illusion

2011/05 Artez Press / Terra 6visual culture 10 essay e/nl

Unadulterated Functionalism
Wim Crouwel

2011/04 Wallpaper 1graphic design 31b column e
De gewone man en de kunsten
Hakken in cultuursubsidies: puberale symboolpolitiek
2010/10 site 7cultural politics 06a column nl
Tuin der Letters
Het laboratorium van de organische typografie
2010/07 Items 19 1graphic design 31a essay nl
Graphics in Concert
Introduction Chaumont catalogue
2010/05 Pyramid 1graphic design 30 column e
Ik gooi nooit wat weg
Boekbespreking Swip Stolk
2010/02 Items 18 1graphic design 29 review nl
Shaping Voices – The Poetics of Design
Introduction to Shapeshifters reader
2010/01 Shapeshifters / Oogachtend 2design general 15 essay e
Wat is een boek?
Interview Mevis & Van Deursen
2009/12 Items 17 1graphic design 28 interview nl
Point of View
Interview Pierre di Sciullo
2009/01 Items 16 1graphic design 27 interview nl
Break the seals!
Flexibility as design principle
2008/05 Torino Design Capital 2design general 14 column e
99 months
Design strategies for raising awareness of climate change
2008/01 Fabrica 6visual culture 09 essay e

Representation inhabits reality
20 years of graphic design

2007/12 Dai Nippon, Tokyo 1graphic design 26a essay e
The applied art of art
Design criteria govern art in Venice and Kassel
2007/11 Items 15 6visual culture 08 essay e/nl
Nouveau Dutch Design
How Dutch are the young Dutch designers?
2007/04 Émergence 1graphic design 26b essay e/fr
"Je ne cherche pas, je trouve"
Jan van Toorn designs with found footage
2007/03 Étappes: 1graphic design 25 essay e/fr
"Smart, meaningfull, fresh"
10 years of KesselsKramer in Rotterdam's Kunsthal
2007/02 Form 6visual culture 07 review e
De Beyerd, visie of marketing pitch?
Een nieuwe vormgever voor hèt grafisch ontwerpmuseum?
2007/01 Items 14 1graphic design 24 column nl
Middelmatige communicatie
Vormgeving voor musea
2006/12 Kunst in de Provincie
K&V Noord Holland
1graphic design 23 essay nl
In discussie met de openbare mening
Martijn Engelbregts Dienstcatalogus
2006/11 Open 06 8art in public space 06 review e/nl
De letterbouwer
De materiële typografie van René Knip
2006/11 Addmagazine 5designers' profiles 14 profile nl/fr
Grafisch ontwerp in verkiezingstijd
2006/11 De Helling,
1graphic design 22 essay nl
Mooie bloemen, geen tuin
Recent Frans grafisch ontwerp voor het publieke domein
2006/07 Items 13 1graphic design 21 essay nl
Het primaat van de zichtbaarheid
Recensie boek Camiel van Winkel
2006/05 Metropolis M 08 6visual culture 06 review nl
Revenge of the symbols
Symbolism only works meaningfully within its own codes. Outside of these, it explodes, with considerable collateral damage.
2006/05 Open 05 8art in public space 05 essay e/nl
Form = Function
Interpretatie is het centrale begrip in een visuele cultuur als de onze, waarin beeld steeds vaker syntactisch wordt ingezet.
2006/05 Jaarboek
ABK Groningen
6visual culture 05 essay nl
If it ain't broke, upgrade!
Launch van 'the upgrade' in Amsterdam
2006/05 - 2design general 13 lecture e
"De BNO is er voor de biotoop"
Interview Annnelys de Vet
2006/04 BNO
2design general 12 interview nl
Strange Attractors
Intro to the work of two 'decorationalists'
2006/01 I.D. magazine 1graphic design 20 review e
Sensitive Modernism
Modernist values and contemporary design
2005/11 Yearbook
Duch Design
2design general 11 essay e/nl
Catalysts! The cultural force of communication design
Essays accompanying my exhibition in Lisbon, sept / nov
2005/09 EXD05 1graphic design 19 essays e
Bruce Mau's Discovery Channel
Bespreking van het boek bij de tentoonstelling
2005/05 Items 12 2design general 10 review nl
What about it?
Review of Jeroen Boomgaard's report on public art at Amsterdam's Zuidas
2005/04 Open 04 8art in public space 04 review e/nl
John Maeda : Creative code
Seven years of experimentation in digital interactive media at MIT
2005/03 Form 4interface and webdesign 11 review e
Joes Koppers
Profiel van een interfaceontwerper
2005/01 Items 11 5designers' profiles 13 profile nl
Wim Crouwel : de vormvoorbereider
Oeuvreprijs Fonds BKVB
2004/11 Fonds BKVB 5designers' profiles 12 essay nl
Massive Change
Q&A with Bruce Mau on his exhibition in Vancouver
(extended version)
2004/10 ID 2design general 09 interview e
Chris Keulemans
Interview met Chris Keulemans over boek en website 'De Amerikaan die ik nooit geweest ben'.
2004/10 Items 10 4interface and webdesign 10 interview nl
A Zen garden along the Zuidas
On 'Droog Water', an artwork by Diederik Klomberg
2004/10 ING / K&B 8art in public space 03 review e/nl
Dutch type
Review of Jan Middendorp's compendious book
2004/09 Form 3typography 06 review e
De Barbaro's van de Zuidas
Over opdrachtgeverschap voor kunst in de openbare ruimte van de Amsterdamse Zuidas
2004/09 Open 03 8art in public space 02 essay nl
Gespräch Weingart, Müller+Hess
Three type users talk about their choices (German only)
2004/06 Die Gestalten
3typography 05 interview de
Crossing frontiers of understanding
lecture at ICOGRADA conference, Saõ Paulo, Brazil
2004/04 Icograda 2design general 08 lecture e
Das war einmal
New engagement in architecture, art and design
2003/11 Open 02 6visual culture 04 review e/nl
Just use it!
Users as adicts or activists
2003/08 De Balie 7cultural politics 06b essay e
De kunst is net zo virtueel als mensen
Essay over virtualiteit, naar aanleiding van AVECOM.REAL
2003/07 Avecom.real 8art 08 essay nl
Deep Sites
Chapter introductions: click the chapter titles on the cover
2003/04 Thames&Hudson 4interface and webdesign 09 essays e
Being John Thackara
Doors of Perception, 7: Flow
2003/01 Items 09 4interface and webdesign 08 review nl
Kunst. Openbaar. Ruimte.
Een begripsbepaling van 'kunst in de openbare ruimte'
2002/11 Open 01 8art in public space 01 essay e/nl
10 stellingen van een ontwerpintellectueel
Hugues Broekraad onderscheiden met de Grafische Cultuurprijs
2002/10 Metropolis M 07 1graphic design 18 recensie nl
Shadows over Manhattan
Funlab project for post-911 New York
2001/10 Ad!dict 6visual culture 03 project e
Designers are authors
Graphic design as visual language
2001/09 unpublished 1graphic design 17 lecture e
The long march
Design and "the long march through the institutions"
2001/09 Adbusters 7cultural politics 05 essay e
Down with the singing waiters!
What's the message of experience design?
2001/05 Waag Society 2design general 07 essay e/nl
Reduce to the max
Introduction to Swiss contemporary graphic design
2000/09 Benzin 1graphic design 16 essay e/nl/de

The new culture?
Culture is being colonised by new economism
with: Chris Keulemans

2000/08 Groene
7cultural politics 04 essay e/nl
The erotics of type
Typography has always been employed to evoke eroticism
2000/06 Sex Appeal 3typography 04 essay e
De toekomst als kunstwerk
The influence of ICT on culture
2000/04 Infodrome 7cultural politics 03 essay nl
Mars calling Earth
Making a design magazine in the real world 
2000/02 DotDotDot 2design general 06 essay e
Elke kunstenaar is een ontwerper
Autonomous artis obsolete - art has become design
2000/01 Metropolis M 06 8art 07 essay nl
An ideal design is not yet
Authorship and idealism in graphic design
1999/11 De Balie 1graphic design 15 essay e/nl
First Things First 2000
Designers, use your skills for worthy causes!
1999/09 Eye 22 7cultural politics 02 manifesto e
Piet Schreuders
1999/09 Eye 23 5designers' profiles 11 interview e
Style = content
Should one overturn hierarchies of verbal and visual form?
1999/09 Eye 21 1graphic design 14 editorial e
Mode(s) d'emploi
11 young graphic designers from the Netherlands
1999/06 Fonds BKVB 1graphic design 13 essay e/nl
Sampling the modern inheritance
Modernism, style, structure, content
1999/05 Eye 18 1graphic design 12 editorial e
doors of perception 5
The Doors on 'play'
1999/05 Eye 19 4interface and webdesign 07 review e
What your see is what you think
1st International Browserday
student's proposals for the next generation of browsers and beyond
1999/05 Eye 20 4interface and webdesign 06 review e
Trial & error
Interaction makes 'problem solving' playable
1998/12 Eye 17 4interface and webdesign 05 editorial e
Words on screens
Typographers, the screen needs your attention!
1998/10 - 3typography 03 lecture e
Push and pull
Graphic design, advertising, and the quest for cultural significance
1998/09 Eye 14 1graphic design 11 editorial e
Design interactive education
Teach contexts, not just tools
1998/09 The Education of
a Graphic Designer
2design general 05 essay e
FUSE'98 conference
1998/09 Eye 16 3typography 02 review e
Oliviero Toscani : commercial art
Toscani's and Benetton's programme
1998/09 Eye 15 5designers' profiles 10 review e
Haags plat
De Mondriaan kwestie en Rick van der Ploeg's ideeëngoed
1998/09 NRC Handelsblad 7cultural politics 01 essay nl
Rescue meaning
designers should adopt an editorial point of view
1998/06 Eye 11 1graphic design 10 editorial e
Post Tool : serious doodling
1998/06 Eye 12 5designers' profiles 09 interview e
Steven Johnson : Interface culture
technology transforms the way we create and communicate 
1998/06 Eye 13 4interface and webdesign 04 review e
The reader's terms
Designers and the printing process
1998/05 Jan van Eyck
1graphic design 09 poetic e
A rhetoric of images
Overcomming the 'class struggle' between images and words
1998/03 Eye 08 1graphic design 08 editorial e
Sink or swim in the meltingpot
AIGA biennial conference, New Orleans
1998/03 Eye 09 1graphic design 07 review e
Steve Heller : Design literacy
A connoisseur's pick
1998/03 Eye 10 1graphic design 06 review e
Musings on economic firewalls between cultures
1998/02 AIGA journal 6visual culture 02 column e
Official anarchy
Dutch graphic design
1997/11 The Low Countries 1graphic design 05 essay e
The oldness of new
Does graphic design need redefinition?
1997/09 Eye 05 1graphic design 04 editorial e
The diaphanous machine
Clarity, consistency and new ways of navigating the web
1997/09 Eye 06 4interface and webdesign 03 essay e
Mieke Gerritzen : keep it simple
1997/09 Eye 07 5designers' profiles 08 interview e
Website graphics - chapter introductions
Themes in global web design
1997/08 Mediamatic 2 4interface and webdesign 02 copy e
A civil house style
Studio Dumbar's redesign of the Dutch Police identity
1997/07 Ministerie BiZa 1graphic design 03 essay e/nl
Learning to read and write images
Graphic design is a 'meta-discipline'
1997/06 Eye 01 1graphic design 02 editorial e
The aesthetics of transience
Subjectivity and impermanence in graphic design
1997/06 Eye 02 1graphic design 01 essay e
Steve Heller : Type in the digital age
Heller's 'faces on the edge'
1997/06 Eye 03 3typography 01 review e
Stop worrying and learn to love the web
Getting over low-res
1997/06 Eye 04 4interface and webdesign 01 essay e
Eerst de bouwstenen
Pleidooi voor academisch onderzoek naar ontwerpgeschiedenis
1996/12 Items 08 2design general 04 review nl
P. Scott Makela
1996/12 Items 07 5designers' profiles 07 review nl
Karel Martens
1996/10 Items 06 5designers' profiles 06 interview nl
Gebouwen bewegen
1996/07 Stichting Welstandszorg Noord Holland 2architecture 03 essay nl
Designkritiek in Nederland
Frederique Huygens' overzicht van design publicaties
1996/04 Items 05 2design general 03 review nl
Chris Dercon : Still novel
Cinema is revived in new media
1996/04 Metropolis M 05 8art 06 review nl/e
Studio Dumbar
The official face of the netherlands
1996/01 Graphis 5designers' profiles 05 profile e
Europa is een boekenkast
Ik ben opgebouwd uit 4000 jaar verhalen en geschiedenissen
1995/12 De Balie 6visual culture 01b essay nl
We do not need new forms...
A new mentality in design focusses on processes and contexts instead of products
1995/09 - 2design general 02 lecture e
Heinz en Valentine Edelmann
1995/09 Affiche 5designers' profiles 04 interview nl

Voorbij het object
Ontwerp van processen is belangrijker dan ontwerp van producten

1995/05 Items 04 2design general 01 essay e/nl
April Greiman: the way of the mouse
Interview, with english summary
1995/05 Items 03 5designers' profiles 03 interview e/nl
Melle Hammer : hark en piano
1995/03 Items 02 5designers' profiles 02 interview nl
Marianne Brouwer : Heart of darkness
Kröller-Müller exhibition
1995/01 Metropolis M 04 8art 05 review nl
Wim Crouwel
Afscheid als directeur Boymans van Beuningen
1993/12 Items 01c 5designers' profiles 01 interview nl
371 gezichten van D66
Wedstrijd voor het verkiezingsaffiche van D66
1993/12 Items 01c 1graphic design 00c review nl
Dialogue between two souls
Introduction to Remko Scha's 'artificial' art algorhythm
1993/10 Artificial 8art 04 poetic nl

Frans Haks
Interview met "principieel normloze" museumman
with: Chris Reinewald

1993/01 Items 01b 6visual culture 01a interview nl

Whistling in the dark
On the design of music for films and television
wih: Petra Pijnappels

1992/09 Mediamatic 1 9music & audio 01 essay e/nl
H.W. Werther : Double distance
Kruithuis, Den Bosch exhibition
1991/12 Metropolis M 03 8art 03 review nl
Anthon Beeke: De geest moet wapperen!
1991/10 Art i  5designers' profiles 00 interview nl
Remy Zaugg
Witte de Wit exhibition, Rotterdam
1991/04 Metropolis M 02 8art 02 essay nl
Sjoch: een substituut
Een nieuw logo voor Leeuwarden
1991/03 Items 00c 1graphic design 00b essay nl
Seymour Likely
Art is money
1990/06 Metropolis M 01 8art 01 review nl
Het zondagse spiegelbeeld
Nieuwe logos voor de overheid
with: Carel Kuitenbrouwer
1989/06 Items 00b 1graphic design 00a essay nl
Verantwoord bloot
Mart. Spruijt kalender 1988/89
1988/08 Items 00a 1graphic design 00a review nl/e
No subsidy? No problem!
Dutch video art and government support
1987/01 Mediamatic 0 8art 002 essay e
Notes of a listener
Essay on radio- & record art
1985/08 Talking Back to the Media
/ Sound by Artists
9music & audio 00 essay e

Points of View on Design Education
Two strands of modernism

1984/03 AGI/Gerrit Rietveld Academie 1graphic design 000 essay e/nl

Lilia Prado Superstar
interview Ulises Carrión

1984/02 De Appel 8art 001 interview e

Lilia Prado Ready-made
a film festival by Ulises Carrión

1984/01 Metropolis M 01 8art 000 review nl

max bruinsma