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title | date | publication | theme | kind | language |
Paglen meets Agre Imaging systems and grammars of action |
2020/11 | Camera Arts | 2design general 22 |
essay | e |
Man as 'aggregate of data' |
2018/07 | AI & Society | design ethics | essay | e |
The Swing of the Real |
2018/01 | Onomatopee | 8art 09 |
essay | e |
Critical Meshing |
2017/03 | Sandberg Institute | 2design general 21 design education |
essay | e |
Creative Civil Servants |
2017/02 | unpublished | 2design general 20 design education |
essay | e |
Designers do not determine what a thing does Interview Peter Paul Verbeek |
2015/09 | NAI010 publishers | 2social design 52 | interview | e |
Reflections on Utopia and Now Musings during a residency in Colombia |
2012/11 | Más Arte Más Acción | 2social design 51 | essay | e |
Research between practice and theory Design as research methodology with: Evert Ypma |
2012/09 | Graphic Design Festival Breda | 2design general 19
design education |
commentary | e |
In Memoriam Ed Annink |
2012/09 | Items 22 | 1graphic design 32 | in memoriam | nl/e |
Nostalgia for a Future Past |
2012/03 | De Gids | 6visual culture 10 | essay | e/nl |
Romancing the Next Nature Natuur veroorzaakt door mensen |
2011/11 | Items 21 | 2design general 18 | commentary | nl |
Richard Sennett: |
2011/08 | Items 20 | 2design general 17 | interview | e |
Off the beaten track R&D is mapping uncharted territory |
2011/06 | NAI publishers | 2design general 16 | essay | e/nl |
Watching, formerly Reading |
2011/05 | Valiz / Graphic Design Museum Breda | 6visual culture 10 | column | e/nl |
All Color is Virtual |
2011/05 | Artez Press / Terra | 6visual culture 10 | essay | e/nl |
Unadulterated Functionalism |
2011/04 | Wallpaper | 1graphic design 31b | column | e |
De gewone man en de kunsten Hakken in cultuursubsidies: puberale symboolpolitiek |
2010/10 | site | 7cultural politics 06a | column | nl |
Tuin der Letters Het laboratorium van de organische typografie |
2010/07 | Items 19 | 1graphic design 31a | essay | nl |
Graphics in Concert Introduction Chaumont catalogue |
2010/05 | Pyramid | 1graphic design 30 | column | e |
Ik gooi nooit wat weg Boekbespreking Swip Stolk |
2010/02 | Items 18 | 1graphic design 29 | review | nl |
Shaping Voices – The Poetics of Design Introduction to Shapeshifters reader |
2010/01 | Shapeshifters / Oogachtend | 2design general 15 | essay | e |
Wat is een boek? Interview Mevis & Van Deursen |
2009/12 | Items 17 | 1graphic design 28 | interview | nl |
Point of View Interview Pierre di Sciullo |
2009/01 | Items 16 | 1graphic design 27 | interview | nl |
Break the seals! Flexibility as design principle |
2008/05 | Torino Design Capital | 2design general 14 | column | e |
99 months Design strategies for raising awareness of climate change |
2008/01 | Fabrica | 6visual culture 09 | essay | e |
Representation inhabits reality |
2007/12 | Dai Nippon, Tokyo | 1graphic design 26a | essay | e |
The applied art of art Design criteria govern art in Venice and Kassel |
2007/11 | Items 15 | 6visual culture 08 | essay | e/nl |
Nouveau Dutch Design How Dutch are the young Dutch designers? |
2007/04 | Émergence | 1graphic design 26b | essay | e/fr |
"Je ne cherche pas, je trouve" Jan van Toorn designs with found footage |
2007/03 | Étappes: | 1graphic design 25 | essay | e/fr |
"Smart, meaningfull, fresh" 10 years of KesselsKramer in Rotterdam's Kunsthal |
2007/02 | Form | 6visual culture 07 | review | e |
De Beyerd, visie of marketing pitch? Een nieuwe vormgever voor hèt grafisch ontwerpmuseum? |
2007/01 | Items 14 | 1graphic design 24 | column | nl |
Middelmatige communicatie Vormgeving voor musea |
2006/12 | Kunst in de Provincie K&V Noord Holland |
1graphic design 23 | essay | nl |
In discussie met de openbare mening Martijn Engelbregts Dienstcatalogus |
2006/11 | Open 06 | 8art in public space 06 | review | e/nl |
De letterbouwer De materiële typografie van René Knip |
2006/11 | Addmagazine | 5designers' profiles 14 | profile | nl/fr |
Grootgruttersvormgeving Grafisch ontwerp in verkiezingstijd |
2006/11 | De Helling, GroenLinks |
1graphic design 22 | essay | nl |
Mooie bloemen, geen tuin Recent Frans grafisch ontwerp voor het publieke domein |
2006/07 | Items 13 | 1graphic design 21 | essay | nl |
Het primaat van de zichtbaarheid Recensie boek Camiel van Winkel |
2006/05 | Metropolis M 08 | 6visual culture 06 | review | nl |
Revenge of the symbols Symbolism only works meaningfully within its own codes. Outside of these, it explodes, with considerable collateral damage. |
2006/05 | Open 05 | 8art in public space 05 | essay | e/nl |
Form = Function Interpretatie is het centrale begrip in een visuele cultuur als de onze, waarin beeld steeds vaker syntactisch wordt ingezet. |
2006/05 | Jaarboek ABK Groningen |
6visual culture 05 | essay | nl |
If it ain't broke, upgrade! Launch van 'the upgrade' in Amsterdam |
2006/05 | - | 2design general 13 | lecture | e |
"De BNO is er voor de biotoop" Interview Annnelys de Vet |
2006/04 | BNO Vormberichten |
2design general 12 | interview | nl |
Strange Attractors Intro to the work of two 'decorationalists' |
2006/01 | I.D. magazine | 1graphic design 20 | review | e |
Sensitive Modernism Modernist values and contemporary design |
2005/11 | Yearbook Duch Design |
2design general 11 | essay | e/nl |
Catalysts! The cultural force of communication design Essays accompanying my exhibition in Lisbon, sept / nov |
2005/09 | EXD05 | 1graphic design 19 | essays | e |
Bruce Mau's Discovery Channel Bespreking van het boek bij de tentoonstelling |
2005/05 | Items 12 | 2design general 10 | review | nl |
What about it? Review of Jeroen Boomgaard's report on public art at Amsterdam's Zuidas |
2005/04 | Open 04 | 8art in public space 04 | review | e/nl |
John Maeda : Creative code Seven years of experimentation in digital interactive media at MIT |
2005/03 | Form | 4interface and webdesign 11 | review | e |
Joes Koppers Profiel van een interfaceontwerper |
2005/01 | Items 11 | 5designers' profiles 13 | profile | nl |
Wim Crouwel : de vormvoorbereider Oeuvreprijs Fonds BKVB |
2004/11 | Fonds BKVB | 5designers' profiles 12 | essay | nl |
Massive Change Q&A with Bruce Mau on his exhibition in Vancouver (extended version) |
2004/10 | ID | 2design general 09 | interview | e |
Chris Keulemans Interview met Chris Keulemans over boek en website 'De Amerikaan die ik nooit geweest ben'. |
2004/10 | Items 10 | 4interface and webdesign 10 | interview | nl |
A Zen garden along the Zuidas On 'Droog Water', an artwork by Diederik Klomberg |
2004/10 | ING / K&B | 8art in public space 03 | review | e/nl |
Dutch type Review of Jan Middendorp's compendious book |
2004/09 | Form | 3typography 06 | review | e |
De Barbaro's van de Zuidas Over opdrachtgeverschap voor kunst in de openbare ruimte van de Amsterdamse Zuidas |
2004/09 | Open 03 | 8art in public space 02 | essay | nl |
Gespräch Weingart, Müller+Hess Three type users talk about their choices (German only) |
2004/06 | Die Gestalten Verlag |
3typography 05 | interview | de |
Crossing frontiers of understanding lecture at ICOGRADA conference, Saõ Paulo, Brazil |
2004/04 | Icograda | 2design general 08 | lecture | e |
Das war einmal New engagement in architecture, art and design |
2003/11 | Open 02 | 6visual culture 04 | review | e/nl |
Just use it! Users as adicts or activists |
2003/08 | De Balie | 7cultural politics 06b | essay | e |
De kunst is net zo virtueel als mensen Essay over virtualiteit, naar aanleiding van AVECOM.REAL |
2003/07 | Avecom.real | 8art 08 | essay | nl |
Deep Sites Chapter introductions: click the chapter titles on the cover |
2003/04 | Thames&Hudson | 4interface and webdesign 09 | essays | e |
Being John Thackara Doors of Perception, 7: Flow |
2003/01 | Items 09 | 4interface and webdesign 08 | review | nl |
Kunst. Openbaar. Ruimte. Een begripsbepaling van 'kunst in de openbare ruimte' |
2002/11 | Open 01 | 8art in public space 01 | essay | e/nl |
10 stellingen van een ontwerpintellectueel Hugues Broekraad onderscheiden met de Grafische Cultuurprijs |
2002/10 | Metropolis M 07 | 1graphic design 18 | recensie | nl |
Shadows over Manhattan Funlab project for post-911 New York |
2001/10 | Ad!dict | 6visual culture 03 | project | e |
Designers are authors Graphic design as visual language |
2001/09 | unpublished | 1graphic design 17 | lecture | e |
The long march Design and "the long march through the institutions" |
2001/09 | Adbusters | 7cultural politics 05 | essay | e |
Down with the singing waiters! What's the message of experience design? |
2001/05 | Waag Society | 2design general 07 | essay | e/nl |
Reduce to the max Introduction to Swiss contemporary graphic design |
2000/09 | Benzin | 1graphic design 16 | essay | e/nl/de |
The new culture? |
2000/08 | Groene Amsterdammer |
7cultural politics 04 | essay | e/nl |
The erotics of type Typography has always been employed to evoke eroticism |
2000/06 | Sex Appeal | 3typography 04 | essay | e |
De toekomst als kunstwerk The influence of ICT on culture |
2000/04 | Infodrome | 7cultural politics 03 | essay | nl |
Mars calling Earth Making a design magazine in the real world |
2000/02 | DotDotDot | 2design general 06 | essay | e |
Elke kunstenaar is een ontwerper Autonomous artis obsolete - art has become design |
2000/01 | Metropolis M 06 | 8art 07 | essay | nl |
An ideal design is not yet Authorship and idealism in graphic design |
1999/11 | De Balie | 1graphic design 15 | essay | e/nl |
First Things First 2000 Designers, use your skills for worthy causes! |
1999/09 | Eye 22 | 7cultural politics 02 | manifesto | e |
Piet Schreuders Interview |
1999/09 | Eye 23 | 5designers' profiles 11 | interview | e |
Style = content Should one overturn hierarchies of verbal and visual form? |
1999/09 | Eye 21 | 1graphic design 14 | editorial | e |
Mode(s) d'emploi 11 young graphic designers from the Netherlands |
1999/06 | Fonds BKVB | 1graphic design 13 | essay | e/nl |
Sampling the modern inheritance Modernism, style, structure, content |
1999/05 | Eye 18 | 1graphic design 12 | editorial | e |
doors of perception 5 The Doors on 'play' |
1999/05 | Eye 19 | 4interface and webdesign 07 | review | e |
What your see is what you think 1st International Browserday student's proposals for the next generation of browsers and beyond |
1999/05 | Eye 20 | 4interface and webdesign 06 | review | e |
Trial & error Interaction makes 'problem solving' playable |
1998/12 | Eye 17 | 4interface and webdesign 05 | editorial | e |
Words on screens Typographers, the screen needs your attention! |
1998/10 | - | 3typography 03 | lecture | e |
Push and pull Graphic design, advertising, and the quest for cultural significance |
1998/09 | Eye 14 | 1graphic design 11 | editorial | e |
Design interactive education Teach contexts, not just tools |
1998/09 | The Education of a Graphic Designer |
2design general 05 | essay | e |
FUSE'98 conference Review |
1998/09 | Eye 16 | 3typography 02 | review | e |
Oliviero Toscani : commercial art Toscani's and Benetton's programme |
1998/09 | Eye 15 | 5designers' profiles 10 | review | e |
Haags plat De Mondriaan kwestie en Rick van der Ploeg's ideeëngoed |
1998/09 | NRC Handelsblad | 7cultural politics 01 | essay | nl |
Rescue meaning designers should adopt an editorial point of view |
1998/06 | Eye 11 | 1graphic design 10 | editorial | e |
Post Tool : serious doodling Interview |
1998/06 | Eye 12 | 5designers' profiles 09 | interview | e |
Steven Johnson : Interface culture technology transforms the way we create and communicate |
1998/06 | Eye 13 | 4interface and webdesign 04 | review | e |
The reader's terms Designers and the printing process |
1998/05 | Jan van Eyck Academy |
1graphic design 09 | poetic | e |
A rhetoric of images Overcomming the 'class struggle' between images and words |
1998/03 | Eye 08 | 1graphic design 08 | editorial | e |
Sink or swim in the meltingpot AIGA biennial conference, New Orleans |
1998/03 | Eye 09 | 1graphic design 07 | review | e |
Steve Heller : Design literacy A connoisseur's pick |
1998/03 | Eye 10 | 1graphic design 06 | review | e |
Crossings Musings on economic firewalls between cultures |
1998/02 | AIGA journal | 6visual culture 02 | column | e |
Official anarchy Dutch graphic design |
1997/11 | The Low Countries | 1graphic design 05 | essay | e |
The oldness of new Does graphic design need redefinition? |
1997/09 | Eye 05 | 1graphic design 04 | editorial | e |
The diaphanous machine Clarity, consistency and new ways of navigating the web |
1997/09 | Eye 06 | 4interface and webdesign 03 | essay | e |
Mieke Gerritzen : keep it simple Interview |
1997/09 | Eye 07 | 5designers' profiles 08 | interview | e |
Website graphics - chapter introductions Themes in global web design |
1997/08 | Mediamatic 2 | 4interface and webdesign 02 | copy | e |
A civil house style Studio Dumbar's redesign of the Dutch Police identity |
1997/07 | Ministerie BiZa | 1graphic design 03 | essay | e/nl |
Learning to read and write images Graphic design is a 'meta-discipline' |
1997/06 | Eye 01 | 1graphic design 02 | editorial | e |
The aesthetics of transience Subjectivity and impermanence in graphic design |
1997/06 | Eye 02 | 1graphic design 01 | essay | e |
Steve Heller : Type in the digital age Heller's 'faces on the edge' |
1997/06 | Eye 03 | 3typography 01 | review | e |
Stop worrying and learn to love the web Getting over low-res |
1997/06 | Eye 04 | 4interface and webdesign 01 | essay | e |
Eerst de bouwstenen Pleidooi voor academisch onderzoek naar ontwerpgeschiedenis |
1996/12 | Items 08 | 2design general 04 | review | nl |
P. Scott Makela Profile |
1996/12 | Items 07 | 5designers' profiles 07 | review | nl |
Karel Martens Interview |
1996/10 | Items 06 | 5designers' profiles 06 | interview | nl |
Details Gebouwen bewegen |
1996/07 | Stichting Welstandszorg Noord Holland | 2architecture 03 | essay | nl |
Designkritiek in Nederland Frederique Huygens' overzicht van design publicaties |
1996/04 | Items 05 | 2design general 03 | review | nl |
Chris Dercon : Still novel Cinema is revived in new media |
1996/04 | Metropolis M 05 | 8art 06 | review | nl/e |
Studio Dumbar The official face of the netherlands |
1996/01 | Graphis | 5designers' profiles 05 | profile | e |
Europa is een boekenkast Ik ben opgebouwd uit 4000 jaar verhalen en geschiedenissen |
1995/12 | De Balie | 6visual culture 01b | essay | nl |
We do not need new forms... A new mentality in design focusses on processes and contexts instead of products |
1995/09 | - | 2design general 02 | lecture | e |
Heinz en Valentine Edelmann Dubbelinterview |
1995/09 | Affiche | 5designers' profiles 04 | interview | nl |
Voorbij het object |
1995/05 | Items 04 | 2design general 01 | essay | e/nl |
April Greiman: the way of the mouse Interview, with english summary |
1995/05 | Items 03 | 5designers' profiles 03 | interview | e/nl |
Melle Hammer : hark en piano Interview |
1995/03 | Items 02 | 5designers' profiles 02 | interview | nl |
Marianne Brouwer : Heart of darkness Kröller-Müller exhibition |
1995/01 | Metropolis M 04 | 8art 05 | review | nl |
Wim Crouwel Afscheid als directeur Boymans van Beuningen |
1993/12 | Items 01c | 5designers' profiles 01 | interview | nl |
371 gezichten van D66 Wedstrijd voor het verkiezingsaffiche van D66 |
1993/12 | Items 01c | 1graphic design 00c | review | nl |
Dialogue between two souls Introduction to Remko Scha's 'artificial' art algorhythm |
1993/10 | Artificial | 8art 04 | poetic | nl |
Frans Haks |
1993/01 | Items 01b | 6visual culture 01a | interview | nl |
Whistling in the dark |
1992/09 | Mediamatic 1 | 9music & audio 01 | essay | e/nl |
H.W. Werther : Double distance Kruithuis, Den Bosch exhibition |
1991/12 | Metropolis M 03 | 8art 03 | review | nl |
Anthon Beeke: De geest moet wapperen! Interview |
1991/10 | Art i | 5designers' profiles 00 | interview | nl |
Remy Zaugg Witte de Wit exhibition, Rotterdam |
1991/04 | Metropolis M 02 | 8art 02 | essay | nl |
Sjoch: een substituut Een nieuw logo voor Leeuwarden |
1991/03 | Items 00c | 1graphic design 00b | essay | nl |
Seymour Likely Art is money |
1990/06 | Metropolis M 01 | 8art 01 | review | nl |
Het zondagse spiegelbeeld Nieuwe logos voor de overheid with: Carel Kuitenbrouwer |
1989/06 | Items 00b | 1graphic design 00a | essay | nl |
Verantwoord bloot Mart. Spruijt kalender 1988/89 |
1988/08 | Items 00a | 1graphic design 00a | review | nl/e |
No subsidy? No problem! Dutch video art and government support |
1987/01 | Mediamatic 0 | 8art 002 | essay | e |
Notes of a listener Essay on radio- & record art |
1985/08 | Talking Back to the Media / Sound by Artists |
9music & audio 00 | essay | e |
Points of View on Design Education |
1984/03 | AGI/Gerrit Rietveld Academie | 1graphic design 000 | essay | e/nl |
Lilia Prado Superstar |
1984/02 | De Appel | 8art 001 | interview | e |
Lilia Prado Ready-made |
1984/01 | Metropolis M 01 | 8art 000 | review | nl |
max bruinsma |